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A Complete Guide For Abortion Laws in GCC countries

Abortion is a criminal act that no woman wants to abort by heart unless she has gone through a serious condition. According to Islamic law, it is deemed to be Makruh (frowned upon) after the 120th day of gestation but acceptable under some circumstances. This is the time when a soul enters a human body, […]
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Abortion is a criminal act that no woman wants to abort by heart unless she has gone through a serious condition. According to Islamic law, it is deemed to be Makruh (frowned upon) after the 120th day of gestation but acceptable under some circumstances. This is the time when a soul enters a human body, a process described in religious terminology as ensoulment.

Let’s give a deep insight into abortion laws in GCC countries, which helps you choose better wedding alternatives.

Why Do Couples Breach the Law?

As per Islamic laws, no Muslim woman has the right to go for an abortion unless she gets pregnant before marriage. Having a physical relationship is not permitted in Muslim countries. Or, it can be possible if both parties agree on separation for personal reasons. In these cases, most females opt for abortion as a preference.

If you are under these conditions, violating the rules is not mandatory at this moment. So sort out your interpersonal problems and adopt the best wedding choices.

Conditions for Abortion Laws in GCC Countries:

In GCC countries, the termination of a child or anyone who assists it tends to be an unlawful act. There are some conditions that women have a right to exclude, like any threat associated with a mother’s or child’s life. Also, it can be aborted if the fetus might not survive before 120 days of pregnancy. Moreover, a Court order is mandatory in any other case

Article 340 of the Federal Law No. 3 of 1987 has been executed in GCC countries, which clearly states that whosoever a woman terminates a fetus with their own will by administering the drugs or using any other means should be punished with at least five years in prison. It can be extended to seven years without the woman’s consent.  

Final Conclusion Concerning Abortion Laws in GCC Countries :

Performing an abortion is an illegal act in most Islamic countries, even in rape or incest situations. There are many options around you if you are expecting a baby outside a wedlock. If you are a Muslim couple and your partner is pregnant before marriage, you can tie the knot in Georgia or Seychelles. You will have an official marriage certificate within 2 weeks. Also, couples can opt for an online wedding if their mother of the baby cannot travel during this time.

Before taking abortion as an option, consult our professional wedding experts for getting married at your desired destination.

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